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Karcher RC3 Robot Vacuum Cleaner

- [16.3. 2025]
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Karcher RC3 Robot Vacuum Cleaner - 1
Karcher RC3 Robot Vacuum Cleaner - 2
Karcher RC3 Robot Vacuum Cleaner - 3
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Karcher RC3 Robot Vacuum Cleaner - 8
Karcher RC3 Robot Vacuum Cleaner

Condition: Good, fully functional. Completely cleaned before sale.

The Karcher RC 3 robot vacuum cleaner is an intelligent device for dry cleaning, equipped with advanced navigation and control technologies.

Main characteristics:
• Cleaning type: Dry.
• Navigation system: Laser sensor, infrared sensors, and height difference sensors allow the device to scan the space and create a room map for efficient cleaning.
• Control: Via a mobile app, allowing you to connect the vacuum to your home network and control it from a smartphone or tablet.
• Dustbin capacity: 0.35 liters.
• Battery: Lithium-ion, 2600 mAh.
• Operating time: Up to 120 minutes on a single charge.
• Charging time: About 240 minutes.
• Noise level: 71 dB.
• Dimensions: Diameter 34 cm, height 9.6 cm.
• Weight: 3.6 kg.

Functional capabilities:
• Cleaning modes: Automatic and spot cleaning.
• Sensors: Infrared and height difference sensors prevent collisions with obstacles and falling from stairs.
• App control: Easily integrates into your home network, allowing convenient control via a smartphone or tablet.

The Karcher RC 3 is equipped with an efficient dual-brush system that ensures thorough cleaning and collects a large amount of debris. The special mobile app allows for remote operation, scheduling cleaning sessions, and tracking progress.

Thanks to its compact size and advanced navigation system, the Karcher RC 3 effectively cleans various floor surfaces, including low-pile carpets.




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